Anesthesiology Links

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Table of Contents
Medical Organizations
Medical Related Sites
Health Insurance Companies
These are sites related to the practice of Anesthesia
American Society of Anesthesiologists : The American Society of Anesthesiologists is an educational, research and scientific association of physicians organized to raise and maintain the standards of the medical practice of anesthesiology and improve the care of the patient.
Anesthesia-Topic Overview: An overview of the topic of anesthesia.
Anesthesia-The Four Types: A short summary of the four types of anesthesia.
Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists : It is the mission of the Georgia Society of Anesthesiologists to associate and affiliate into one organization all physicians and others in Georgia who are engaged in the practice of, or otherwise especially interested in, anesthesiology and its subspecialties; to encourage specialization in this field; to raise the standards of the specialty; to safeguard the professional interests of its members; and in all ways to develop and further educate within the specialty of anesthesiology for the general elevation of the standards of medical practice and patient safety.
AnesthesiaWeb : AnesthesiaWeb is an independent educational resource by and for anesthesia providers. This site is supported by an unrestricted grant from Roche Laboratories in partnership with Duke University.
GasNet : Global Anesthesiology Server Network located in the Yale Center for Medical Informatics.
How Anesthesia Works: An explanation of how anesthesia works.
The Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation : The mission of this corporation is to assure that no patient shall be harmed by the effects of anesthesia. The purposes of this corporation are: to foster investigations that will provide a better understanding of preventable anesthetic injuries; encourage programs that will reduce the number of anesthetic injuries; and promote national and international communication of information and ideas about the causes and prevention of anesthetic morbidity and mortality.
New York School of Regional Anesthesiology: This website has detailed explanations and photos of anesthesia procedures.
Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia : Welcome to SAMBA, an organization of anesthesiologists, health care professionals and individuals from industry, interested in improving the care of patients undergoing office-based, free-standing, and hospital-based ambulatory surgery.
Medical Organizations
These links you to specific medical organizations.
American Medical Association : The Voice of the American Medical Profession.
Medical Association of Georgia : MAG's mission is to enhance patient care and the health of the public by advancing the art and science of medicine and by representing physicians and their patients in policy-making processes.
Northside Hospital : Northside Hospital committed to the health and wellness of the community.
Medical Related Sites
These links you to sites generally concerned with Medicine.
The HMO page : HMOs have introduced a novel innovation in American Health care: incentives for physicians not to treat patients. If a medical practitioner practices less, the company makes more.
PDR Online : MDs and DOs in full-time patient care who are qualified to receive Physicians' Desk Reference on a complimentary basis may register free of charge (pharmaceutical information).